Simulation Software
Integrate is the Danish distributor of Enterprise Dynamics®, developed by InControl. Enterprise Dynamics® is an object-oriented simulation program designed to mimic reality, allowing for the evaluation, testing, and assessment of new concepts, layouts, capacities, and more.
Do you make decisions that ensure optimal conditions in your company?
What potential solutions are the best and most profitable?
Are the decisions based on facts or gut feelings?
Do you know all the consequences of your decision before it's made?
Do you have a common objective decision-making basis?
One of our core competencies lies in simulation and decision support. As a partner to InControl, we have specialized in the simulation tool Enterprise Dynamics®.
Using simulation, we have provided:
Decision-support tools for the day-to-day operations in companies.
Decision-support models for specific one-off decisions.
Simulation models where decisions account for facts, instill confidence in people's decisions, consider variations, and ensure the optimal choice in the decision-making process.
Simulation and decision support yield results through better decision-making.
Supply Chain Simulation
Using our custom-developed Supply Chain simulation solution combined with a strong business understanding of logistics and supply chains, we help make complex challenges transparent and create a clear and objective decision-making basis.
With Supply Chain Simulation, you can test the efficiency of your supply chain and see the consequences before actually changing the structure and assumptions. This establishes a common understanding of the system's functions and relationships, creating a shared objective decision-making basis.
It provides efficient decision support to help you answer:
What is the most cost-effective setup?
Where should factories, warehouses, and distribution centers be located, and how can goods be transported most cost-effectively?
How does your delivery capability, lead times, and costs change with changes in your supply chain, such as control principles, reorder points, etc.?
What is the optimal balance between inventory levels, logistics costs, and delivery performance?
Supply chain simulation helps you assess the consequences of your setup and make the right choices! Experience has shown that this results in improved profitability, optimized cash flow, and increased competitiveness.
Virtual Manufacturing
With Virtual Manufacturing, we gain greater insight into processes, optimize and balance capacities, test concepts, and validate complex business systems, and much more.
Through a combination of simulation and visualization in 2D/3D models, we can recreate, for example, a current or conceptual production, with the ability to move around either via a classic keyboard and mouse on a computer or through Virtual Reality.
This creates a common foundation for all stakeholders to (further) develop and address challenges, whether it's process optimization, scheduling, or something entirely different.
Crowd Simulation
Based on classical simulation techniques, there are now parallel tools specifically developed to replicate human behavior.
Using mathematical models, it is possible to simulate entire facilities such as train stations, airports, stadiums, ferries, city festivals, and more. In the simulation, each person's behavior is calculated based on their surroundings, including the behavior of other individuals, signage, and events such as an arriving train.
Through simulations, focus zones where crowds tend to gather can be identified. Building engineers, event planners, and other relevant personnel can then make decisions about the optimal placement of key points such as food and drink stalls, emergency stations, advertising signs, trash bins, etc., to maximize profit and improve the overall flow. Similarly, risk planners and security experts can simulate the effect of different action plans and setups for evacuation routes, emergency exits, security checkpoints, the number of guards, maximum allowed guests, etc.
Additionally, it includes proper planning of infrastructure features such as the number of entrances, corridor widths, the number and placement of toilets, and much more.
Social distancing - COVID-19
COVID-19 has introduced new standards for social distancing from other people. Therefore, it can be challenging for leaders in the restaurant and retail industry to serve customers while adhering to government guidelines.
Crowd simulation can be beneficial in such contexts, such as cafes and restaurants, hotels, stores, shopping centers, etc. Here, you can simulate the output of different layouts to maximize the number of customers while maintaining a safe environment for your customers.
HealthCare Simulation
"Based on classical simulation techniques, there are now parallel tools specifically developed to replicate human behavior.
Using mathematical models, it is possible to simulate entire facilities such as train stations, airports, stadiums, ferries, city festivals, and more. In the simulation, each person's behavior is calculated based on their surroundings, including the behavior of other individuals, signage, and events such as an arriving train.
Through simulations, focus zones where crowds tend to gather can be identified. Building engineers, event planners, and other relevant personnel can then make decisions about the optimal placement of key points such as food and drink stalls, emergency stations, advertising signs, trash bins, etc., to maximize profit and improve the overall flow. Similarly, risk planners and security experts can simulate the effect of different action plans and setups for evacuation routes, emergency exits, security checkpoints, the number of guards, maximum allowed guests, etc.
Additionally, it includes proper planning of infrastructure features such as the number of entrances, corridor widths, the number and placement of toilets, and much more.
Social distancing - COVID-19
COVID-19 has introduced new standards for social distancing from other people. Therefore, it can be challenging for leaders in the restaurant and retail industry to serve customers while adhering to government guidelines.
Crowd simulation can be beneficial in such contexts, such as cafes and restaurants, hotels, stores, shopping centers, etc. Here, you can simulate the output of different layouts to maximize the number of customers while maintaining a safe environment for your customers."
We offer training for companies and educational institutions with a primary focus on learning and practical understanding of simulation, as well as Operations Management and Supply Chain Management.
Simulation training is divided into two parts:
1. Basic Course: What is simulation, where is it used, and for what purposes?
2. Advanced Courses: These build on competencies with a focus on control algorithms and coding. Training can be expanded to include GUI and 3D animation.
For Educational Institutions:
We provide training at universities, university colleges, business academies, and more. The training can be offered at all levels, and we have both standard "training packages" and customized packages where the training aligns with the semester's main area of focus to fit within the existing curriculum.
We offer nationwide training in Denmark, and our high level of expertise is enriched with industrial experience. This creates an exciting and dynamic teaching style that supports and motivates students to excel in their learning.
For Companies:
Using the simulation tool Enterprise Dynamics®, we offer training in the application and understanding of simulation, as well as Enterprise Dynamics® itself. Our offerings include:
1. Basic Course: What is simulation, where is it used, and for what purposes?
2. Customized Courses: How can simulation be used in your company? These courses are often coupled with the delivery of a simulation model, where the goal is for the company to use the simulation model in their operational environment.
The courses are tailored to your company, ensuring that the training and examples can be related to your daily routines and challenges. We have provided training to several companies, including Grundfos, Coloplast, Viking, Dantherm, Danish Crown, and Aalborg Portland.